My Recent Scribbles

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bad Luck


So, this one time? I plugged the wrong AC adaptors into both our elliptical and stationary bike and fried the circuit boards. And then Tuna exploded all over my backpack full of rented text books. And then our chop saw blade got caught on the plastic guard. And then we dropped our laptop and the computer screen shattered. And then my DSLR camera stopped working. And then we bought smart phones. And Kevin's smart phone got washed in the washing machine. Less than a week later.

And now I'm just sitting here wondering...what else dumb are we going to do next?


  1. Oh no! Those are all very expensive mistakes. :-/ Hopefully that's the end of the string of bad luck!

  2. Seriously, I've hardly ever heard of such a run of bad luck!!!


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